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Locking of Horns: President Bush vs US Ecologists

According to Science and Society, Summer 2003, Bush's ProjectBioShield is pouring billions into creating dozens of bio-defence labs aroung USA, located in heavily populated areas in big cities. If there's any doubt that GM could be dangerous, look no further than these high level biological containment labs that handle and genetically engineer the most deadly pathogens. Worse, secrecy surrounds the intended labs; one is refusing to disclose any information, even though full disclosure is required by the NIH guidelines on recombinant DNA research. It is a test case on how much civil society is entitled to know about dangerous research, and ultimately, how much say it has on whether such research should be done. The mainstay of bio-defence research is developing vaccines, which even the US Dept of Defense has acknowledged are not as effective as the facemask.

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What is the "assimilative capacity" risk issue?

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Private Labs Fake Environmental Tests

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