Environmental Action

Educational Resources and Research Agencies

Allaby, Michael. The politics of self-sufficiency. Peter Bunyard. Oxford University 1980.

Bunyard, Peter. The breakdown of climate: human choices or global disaster? Edinburgh: Floris Books, 1999.

Peter Bunyard explains the Chernoble Accident

What went wrong at Three Mile Island

________. The Colombian Amazon: policies for the protection of its indigenous peoples and their environment. Cornwall, U.K. : Ecological Press, 1989.

________. Nuclear power: way forward or cul-de-sac? Newton, Dorset: Ecologist, 1992. Camelford Conference (2nd: 1989)

Gaia and evolution: proceedings of the second annual Camelford Conference on the implications of the Gaia thesis. Editors Peter Bunyard, Edward Goldsmith. Camelford, Cornwall : Wadebridge Ecological Centre, 1989.

Gaia in action: science of the living earth. ed. Peter Bunyard. Edinburgh: Floris 1996.

Gaia, the thesis, the mechanisms and the implications. Editors Peter Bunyard, Edward Goldsmith. Camelford, Cornwall [England]: Wadebridge Ecological Centre, 1988.

Goldsmith, Edward, The Earth Report: The Essential Guide to Global Ecological Issues. Books by Edward Goldsmith

The Green alternative : guide to good living. Editors Peter Bunyard, Fern Morgan-Grenville ; with illustrations by Richard Willson. London : Methuen, 1987.

Soil, food and health in a changing world : proceedings of the McCarrison Society conference held at St. Hugh's College, Oxford, 11-13 July 1980. Editors Kenneth Barlow and Peter Bunyard. Berkhamsted, Herts. : A B Academic Publishers, 1981. Series title: Nutrition and health. Supplement ; v.1.

see also

Nuclear wastelands: a global guide to nuclear weapons production and its health and environmental effects, by a special commission of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and the Institute for...Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c1995. c2000.

Health Physics Surveys In Uranium Recovery Facilities... Draft Regulatory Guide... Draft DG-8026... U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission... September 2001.

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